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Worst Cooks in America Season 2: Chef Anne's Team

Meet the cooks on Anne Burrell's Red Team. Who will be crowned Best of the Worst on Worst Cooks in America, Season 2?
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Chef Anne's Team

Will one of Chef Anne's recruits be crowned Best of the Worst?

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Team Leader: Chef Anne Burrell

Anne Burrell knows how to run a restaurant kitchen, but how will she fare with a team of eight hopeless cooks?

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Anthony Scinto (Crestwood, Illinois)

Although Anthony, 32, has a successful mechanical engineering career and his own home, he still eats at his mother's house almost every night of the week. Anthony hopes to improve his cooking skills and join the grownups in the kitchen.

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Carlos Manuel (Atlanta)

A true mama's boy, Carlos, 28, never learned to cook because his mother prepared all his meals. Now an assistant bank manager, Carlos believes cooking will help his family see that he is no longer the baby but rather a self-sufficient adult.

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