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The Craziest Creations From Outrageous Pumpkins, Season 2

Take a look back at some of the most haunting, gravity-defying creations from the second season of Outrageous Pumpkins.

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Photo: Matthew Odom

Challenge: Epic Monster Ride

In the third week's challenge, Alyson tasked the competitors with using at least 15 pumpkins to create an epic monster ride. The judges were impressed with Kristina's Headless Motorcycleman sculpture. Alyson thought the motorcycle looked like something you could actually ride.

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Photo: Matthew Odom

Challenge: Epic Monster Ride

The judges thought the chain link steering wheel and the details in William's Wolfman’s Wagon sculpture brought this creature to life.

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Photo: Matthew Odom

Challenge: Gigantic Halloween Feast

For the second week, Alyson challenged the remaining carvers to flex their imagination as they create a gigantic Halloween feast for a special guest of honor. Kristina's Marie Antoinette sculpture featured pops of color from eggplant skins and radishes, which impressed the judges. Alyson especially liked the use of cabbage to resemble fabric.

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Photo: Matthew Odom

Challenge: Gigantic Halloween Feast

The judges loved all the detail in the face of Ryan's Madder Hatter sculpture.

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