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Geoffrey Zakarian's 5 Essential Tips for Grilling the Perfect Steak

Hear from this famed Iron Chef and restaurateur about what it takes to execute tender, juicy steaks every time you grill.

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Photo: Emile Wamsteker ©

Grilled Cowboy Rib-Eye with Watercress Salad

Prep for a season of outdoor cooking by learning the fundamentals of grilling a flavorful, juicy steak. Read on to learn Geoffrey's go-to tips, then try them out on his top-rated rib-eye recipe.

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Photo: NightAndDayImages

Draw Out Moisture

"The night before, lightly sprinkle the steak on both sides with salt. Allow to sit, uncovered, in your fridge overnight," Geoffrey notes in his recipe. The salt helps remove moisture from the meat, which will ultimately lead to a crispier, better charred exterior.

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Photo: alle12

Bring the Meat to Room Temperature

"If it’s cold out of the fridge, it will be black on the outside and raw on the inside," Geoffrey tells us. To prevent that from happening, let the meat come to temperature before you grill it. That will ensure even cooking throughout. 

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Photo: AlexRaths

Start With a Very Hot Grill

To achieve those enviable grill marks you get on a steak from a restaurant, it's important to put the meat on a roaring-hot grill. That way, the beef starts to char instantly.

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