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The Biggest Injuries in Chopped History

Under a lot of pressure, Chopped chefs have a set amount of time to cook successful dishes; they must work in a chaotic environment, which means with possibility of burning or cutting themselves is very high. 
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Safety First

When Chef Mor Amitzur cuts himself on a food processor, his first thought is to just keep going and working through the injury. Unfortunately, that means a whole lot of blood in the judges' food, and Mor is forced to stop and remake his dish with gloves on for sanitation reasons. He’s able to pull off a new dish, but he's reprimanded by the judges on the importance of maintaining clean cooking conditions.

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Going Up in Flames

As the saying goes, if you play with fire, you might get burned. Chef Gemma Gray takes this phrase way too literally when she runs through the kitchen with a flaming plan in an attempt to put out an oil fire, badly burning her hands in the process.

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Photo: Susan Magnano ©

Don't Run with Knives

Chef Brandon Frohne has only three fingers on one hand, but that doesn’t stop him from accidentally cutting another one after he runs through the kitchen with a knife. He cuts his finger so badly that he loses five minutes of the entree round bandaging his wound and working around his injury.

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Photo: David Lang ©

Ruined Dessert

In this redemption episode of Chopped, Chef Kent Rollins competes for the third time to be a Chopped Champion. After making it all the way to the dessert round, however, he cuts himself badly enough to contaminate his dish with blood, making it inedible and costing him the win.

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