Candied Carrots

  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 4 servings
  • Total: 40 min
  • Prep: 10 min
  • Cook: 30 min


1 bunch young carrots, with tops

1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter

1 orange, halved

1 tablespoon brown sugar

1 teaspoon ground cumin


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Cut off all but 1-inch of the carrot tops, leaving a little green. Put the carrots in a large shallow pan, add the oil, and season with salt and pepper. Turn to coat the carrots. Stick them in the oven and bake for 30 minutes, until the carrots are fork-tender.
  3. In the meantime, melt the butter in a skillet over medium-low heat. Swirl the pan around and cook until the butter begins to become brown and nutty. Squeeze in the juice from the orange halves, add the brown sugar and cumin, and continue to cook for 2 minutes or until syrupy.
  4. Remove the carrots from the oven and arrange them on a platter. Drizzle the orange brown butter over the carrots and serve.

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Sam And Trav

Super delicious. I added cayenne, which added a nice kick! Maybe next time I'll try Chipotle powder!

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