Recipe courtesy of Mama Dip's

Sweet Potato Biscuits

  • Yield: 15 biscuits
  • Total: 35 min
  • Prep: 15 min
  • Cook: 20 min


2 cups cooked, mashed sweet potatoes

1 stick butter, melted

1 1/4 cups milk

4 cups self-rising flour

Pinch baking soda

3 tablespoons sugar


  1. Mix together the sweet potatoes, butter and milk until well blended. Stir in the flour, baking soda and sugar. Shape the dough into a ball and knead about 8 to 10 times on a well-floured board. Roll the dough out 1-inch thick and cut with a 2-inch biscuit cutter. Bake in a greased baking pan in a 400-degree oven for 15 to 20 minutes or until brown.

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The taste was fine,but thats all. Biscuits came out like hockey pucks. "a pinch of baking soda" did not do the job.

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