Recipe courtesy of Nona Hicks

Sweet Beer-Simmered Hot Dog Bites



2 pounds hot dogs, cut into bite-sized pieces

2 cups brown sugar

2 cups ketchup

1-12 oz. can of beer


  1. Put all ingredients in a large saucepan and gently mix. Cover and put on low heat. Simmer slowly for about 45 minutes or until hot dog pieces are plumped up and sauce has slightly thickened. This can also be done in a slow cooker.
  2. Serve in a chafing dish or other dish that can be kept warm, with toothpicks close by.

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I used a malt belgium still beer - New Belgium Brewery Abbey Ale to be exact - and they were fantastic! The malty darker beer contrasted well with the brown sugar and ketchup. Awesome, unique recipe!

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