Sweet and Sour Bok Choy

  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 6 servings
  • Total: 20 min
  • Prep: 15 min
  • Cook: 5 min


1/4 cup balsamic vinegar

1 red chile pepper, stem and seeds removed and diced

1 large clove garlic, lightly crushed with the side of a knife blade and quartered

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper

2 tablespoons sugar

1 tablespoon water

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 bok choy, cut into bite sized pieces and tough spines removed or 3 baby bok choy, halved and tough parts removed from stem end


  1. Through the feed tube of a running blender add, 1 at a time, the vinegar, chile pepper, garlic, salt, black pepper, and sugar. Remove to a bowl. In a separate small bowl, create a slurry by gradually whisking 1 tablespoon water into the cornstarch. Then whisk the slurry into the sauce.
  2. Steam bok choy until tender and coat with sauce.

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Jennifer L.

This is a nice recipe, but one bok choy steamed with the sauce is nowhere near 6 servings. Very misleading. Also, the sauce could have used a bit more of a kick and some more intense sweet/sour flavor (despite the chili pepper addition).

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