Recipe courtesy of Frederic Van Coppernolle

Surf and Turf with Fruits, Island Style

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  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 4 servings



  1. In a frying pan add add enough canola to cover the bottom. Dip the fish in the cornmeal, shake off the excess, season with salt and pepper and fry. When golden brown and slightly undercooked, remove and dry on a paper towel. Remove old oil from the pan and replenish with 1 tablespoon of canola oil and sear the meat until brown but still rare, then remove and place on a paper towel.
  2. Remove remaining oil, add fresh butter and sear white onion. Then add the peppers and let fry a few more minutes, then add the red onions, scallions and grapes. When done remove the vegetables and deglaze the pan with juice of orange. Then add shrimp juice and let cook for a few minutes. Add the jalepeno jam to thicken the sauce and half of hot pepper. Mix well. Reduce the sauce by half, add the vegetables, but take out half hot pepper and add the orange segments. Then add the sweet potatoes and meat, bring to a boil and add the apple. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. To serve place fish on a plate and cover with meat and vegetables.