Superfood Milkshake

  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 4 small servings (or 1 large serving)
  • Total: 10 min
  • Active: 10 min


1 pint coconut ice cream

3/4 cup milk 

1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon almond butter 

3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 

4 ounces dark chocolate, melted 

Desiccated coconut, for coating the glasses

1 can whipped cream

Granola bars, for serving

Chopped chocolate-covered almonds, for topping


  1. In a blender, pulse together the ice cream, milk, almond butter and cocoa until smooth.
  2. Put the melted chocolate in a bowl. Take a glass and roll the top of it and a little further down from the top in the melted chocolate. Then roll the glass in coconut to coat. Repeat with additional glasses if using.
  3. Pour the milkshake into the glasses carefully, then add whipped cream on top. Add a granola bar to the whipped cream. Sprinkle the chopped chocolate-covered almonds on top and serve.

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