Smokey Turkey Shumai in a Sweet Pea Broth

  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 4 servings
  • Total: 12 hr 20 min
  • Prep: 12 hr
  • Cook: 20 min


1 pound ground turkey

1/3 cup sliced green scallions

1 tablespoon chipotle

Salt and black pepper to taste

1 egg

1 package wonton skins

1/4 cup cream

2 ounces chopped butter


2 cups sliced yellow onions

2 smashed garlic cloves

2 cups chicken stock

Salt and white pepper to taste

2 cups English peas or frozen peas (Simplot brand)

1 cup spinach leaves

2 to 4 ounces butter (optional)


1/2 cup ground red chile (ancho, chimayo or pasilla)

1/2 tablespoon ground cumin

3 cups canola oil

1 teaspoon salt


  1. In a food processor, puree turkey with chipotle, egg and cream. Pulse in butter but do not puree smooth. Place mousse in a chilled bowl and fold in scallions. Season. Make shumai and/or tortellini. To make shumai, dollop mousse in middle of wonton wrapper. Fold up sides tightly around mousse to form open-faced dumpling and flatten bottom on counter. Steam for 8 minutes until done. Plate in soup plate with pea broth and garnish with chile oil.
  2. In a saucepan, sweat onion and garlic. Add stock and seasoning. Make sure broth is salty. When boiling, add peas and spinach. Cook until soft, about 5 to 8 minutes. Immediately puree with hand blander and add butter. Check for seasoning.
  3. Heat chile and cumin in a saute pan until barely smoking. Whisk in oil. Transfer to tall, glass jar and let stand overnight. Oil will separate.;

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Janine P.

I absolutely love this dish! I've made it a few times for guests, and most of them seem to love it as well. It tastes great and makes for an exotic looking meal as well. What this recipe doesn't indicate but that Ming Tsai does in his own cookbook is that one should use chipotle peppers in adobo. The first time I made this, I was running around looking for chipotle peppers and wasn't sure which type to use. Using the canned chipotle peppers in adobo makes it a lot easier.<br /><br />A on this recipe!

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