Butter-Rum Coffee

  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 1 serving
  • Total: 2 min
  • Prep: 2 min


1 shot butterscotch schnapps

1 shot vanilla rum

1/2 shot Irish Cream


Whipped topping


  1. To a coffee mug add butterscotch schnapps, rum, Irish cream and coffee. Top with whipped topping. Serve.

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Charlotte P.

This is a keeper - smooth, rich, slightly sweet, warm. The fresh whipped cream I've used hasn't ever curdled. Unless you've used something acidic, it should not. The topping should just slowly melt down becoming the cream in the coffee. You have to remember to use good quality ingredients to get good results. Do that and this drink will knock your sox off - or warm you so that you wont need any.

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