Recipe courtesy of Mary Sarain

Salted Caramel Cupcake

  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 24 regular or 48 mini cupcakes
  • Total: 55 min
  • Prep: 30 min
  • Cook: 25 min


2/3 cup sour cream

2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 eggs

1 whole vanilla bean, split

2 cups granulated sugar

1 cup (8 ounces) salted butter, melted

2 cups all-purpose flour

Caramel Buttercream Frosting, recipe follows

Optional Garnishes:

Course sea salt

Caramel sauce

Chopped cashews

Fondant elephant

Caramel Buttercream Frosting:

1 1/2 cups (12 ounces) unsalted butter, cubed and chilled

4 ounces cream cheese, cubed and chilled

3 cups powdered sugar

1 cup caramel sauce


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (325 degrees F in a convection oven). Line cupcake pans with cupcake liners (24 regular size or 48 mini size). 
  2. Using a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, mix the sour cream, baking soda, salt and eggs until combined. Scrape out the insides of the vanilla bean. Add the vanilla and granulated sugar to the egg mixture. Mix until combined. 
  3. In a small bowl, mix the melted butter with 1 cup water. With mixer set to a low speed, alternate adding the water and butter, with the flour. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and continue mixing until well combined. 
  4. Fill the cupcake liners two-thirds full with the batter. Bake until golden brown and baked through, 22 minutes for regular size and 16 minutes for mini size. Cool the cupcakes completely. Frost with the Caramel Buttercream Frosting. Garnish if desired.

Caramel Buttercream Frosting:

  1. Using a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, add the butter and beat until smooth, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the cream cheese and beat until fully incorporated and smooth. Reduce the speed and add the powdered sugar a little at a time. Mix until fully incorporated. Add the caramel sauce to the buttercream mixture. 

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This recipe unfortunately did not turn out well. The first time I think it was because my baking soda was expired. The second, however, had all brand new ingredients but the cupcakes turned out quite much like cornbread consistency, and kinda even taste. I did like the frosting tho, just wished I had put it on top of some Betty Crocker cupcakes

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