Raspberry-Chicken Salad

  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 4 servings
  • Total: 5 min
  • Prep: 5 min


1/4 cup raspberry preserves

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 tablespoon white wine vinegar

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

Salt and ground black pepper

2 tablespoons minced scallion

1 cup fresh raspberries

4 cooked chicken breast halves, cut into 1-inch pieces

4 cups chopped Bibb lettuce

Nut bread

Cream cheese


  1. In a medium-size bowl, whisk together raspberry preserves, oil, vinegar, Dijon mustard and salt and pepper. Add scallions and raspberries to vinaigrette. Add diced chicken and toss to combine with vinaigrette. Arrange lettuce on individual plates. Spoon chicken mixture over lettuce just before serving. Serve with nut bread and cream cheese, if desired.

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Wendy M.

Served this at two dinners and got absolutely rave reviews very good.

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