Recipe courtesy of Stuart Tarabour

Roasted Tomato Cascabel Sauce

  • Yield: about 3 1/2 cups
  • Total: 30 min
  • Prep: 30 min


1 ounce cascabel chilies

1 1/2 pound ripe plum tomatoes, cut in half lengthwise

1/2 pound tomatillos, cut in half

1 medium red onion, sliced thick, tossed in a bit of olive oil and salt

3 garlic cloves, peeled

2 teaspoons chipotles in adobo sauce, pureed

2 teaspoons dried Mexican oregano, crushed

Kosher salt, to taste

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Arrange cascabel chilies on a sheet pan and toast them in the oven for approximately 3 to 4 minutes. Remove from oven and remove and discard stems and seeds. Place them in a bowl. Cover with boiling water and allow chilies to rehydrate. Remove chilies from water (reserving water), put into a blender and puree with a little of reserved water. Set aside. Raise oven heat to Broil Arrange halved tomatoes and tomatillos cut side down on another sheet pan and place under broiler until skins blacken. Turn them once to heat evenly. Reserve. In a hot grill pan or cast iron skillet, grill red onion slices and garlic until marked and softer. Reserve. To a saucepan over medium hot heat add cascabel puree, tomatoes, tomatillos, red onion, garlic, chipotle puree, Mexican oregano, salt and pepper. Bring mixture to a boil. In a blender, blend mixture until desired consistency. Check seasoning.

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Chris S.

I made this sauce with one pound of cascabel peppers from my garden and it turned out well. I made it again later, starting with a mirapoix base instead of just the red onion, and adding italian seasonings instead of just oregano. I use it as a sauce over chicken parmesan and egplant parmesan, and my family liked it better the second time.

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