Recipe courtesy of Kathleen Daelemans

Quick Broiled Flank Steak with Quick Roasted Veggies

  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 5 (4-ounce) servings
  • Total: 40 min
  • Prep: 15 min
  • Cook: 25 min


1 1/2 pound flank steak or the smallest one they'll sell you

1 lime, juiced

Coarse salt and cracked black pepper

1/2 bunch broccoli, peeled, cut into florets

1/2 head cauliflower, cut into florets

2 cobs shucked corn, cut into 2-inch slices

2 tablespoons olive oil


  1. Preheat oven broiler. Marinate flank steak in lime juice, salt and pepper. Do this right on the paper the steak comes wrapped in for easy clean up. Place on broiler pan and cook, turning once until medium rare, about 4 to 5 minutes per side. Remove to a cutting board to rest.
  2. Preheat oven to 475 degrees F.
  3. Toss broccoli and cauliflower with olive salt and pepper, pour onto a cookie sheet in a single layer. Roast, turning once, until tender and cooked through, about 10 to 12 minutes.
  4. Slice flank steak into thin strips, serve 3 to 4 ounces per person with a side of the veggies.

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You can substitute other vegetables to roast, such as asparagus. I had to roast them another 5 minutes until they were done. Flank steak also benefitted from marinating in garlic, soy sauce, mustard marinade 6 hours or more. I also served sautéed mushrooms on the side.  For a quick prep dinner, however, this is great.

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