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13 Foods You're Probably Storing Wrong

How long kitchen staples last (and how good they taste) often depends on location, location, location.
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Photo: Brett Stevens/iStock

Nope, Not There

Are you guilty of popping onions into the fridge? Do you stash maple syrup in the cupboard? These missteps feel innocent enough, but certain staples could lose flavor and spoil faster if you store them in the wrong spot. To get the most out of your basics, take a good look around your kitchen and consider some smart relocation.

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Photo: Alena Kogotkova / Getty Images, Inc.


These will stay crisper and fresher in the fridge than on the counter — but stow them in a plastic bag, and don’t store them in the same drawer as your lettuce. Apples produce ethylene, a ripening gas that can make some vegetables go bad more quickly.

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Photo: Nedjelly / iStock

Brown Sugar

Some people keep this baking staple in the refrigerator, thinking it will help keep it soft. But actually, the trick to moist, pliable brown sugar is placing it an airtight container. Do that, and you can store it at room temperature.

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Photo: 4Kodiak / iStock

Coffee Beans

Skip the fridge, which introduces moisture and can kill the flavor of your favorite brew. Beans will last at room temp in an airtight container, an open bag or a can for one week. Reserve the freezer for beans you want to store long term.

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