Recipe courtesy of Mary Berg

Myra's Grilled Flank Steak

  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 6 to 8 servings
  • Total: 5 hr (includes marinating and resting time)
  • Active: 30 min
Enjoy a family favorite with this Grilled Flank Steak.


Steak and Marinade:

1/3 cup soy sauce

1/3 cup dry red wine

1/3 cup honey

3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

2 teaspoons powdered ginger

3 garlic cloves, finely chopped

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

1/2 cup canola or olive oil, plus more for the grill

4 green onions, chopped

3.3 pounds (1.5 kilograms) flank steak


2 green onions

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1 tablespoon finely grated ginger. plus more as needed

1 teaspoon Montreal steak spice. plus more as needed

1/2 lemon, juiced. plus more as needed


  1. For the steak and marinade: In a large glass measuring cup or rectangular container big enough to fit the flank steak, combine the soy sauce, red wine, honey, Worcestershire, powdered ginger, garlic and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Whisk in the oil and green onions. If using a measuring cup, pour the marinade into a large heavy duty freezer bag, add in the steak and seal, removing as much air as possible. If using a container, simply add the steak and toss to coat. Place in the refrigerator to marinate for at least 4 hours or up to overnight.
  2. When ready to grill the steak, set it on counter for 30 minutes to come up to room temperature. Meanwhile, heat your grill to medium-high.
  3. Remove the steak from the marinade and dry off the outside with some paper towel. Lightly oil the grill, season the steak with salt and pepper, and grill for 6 to 8 minutes per side for medium rare or until cooked to your liking. Set the steak aside, tented with aluminum foil, to rest for 10 minutes while you prepare the serving sauce.
  4. For the sauce: Add the green onions to the grill and cook, turning frequently, until charred, 3 to 5 minutes. Finely chop the grilled green onions and add to a bowl along with the mayonnaise, finely grated ginger, Montreal steak spice and lemon juice. Stir well to combine and add a bit more lemon juice, ginger or steak spice, to taste.
  5. Slice the steak against the grain into 1/2-inch-thick (1-centimeter-thick) slices and serve with the sauce on the side.

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I loved the flavor of this steak. The marinade was easy and delicious. The sauce was extremely good and went well with the flank steak. Eight minutes on each side gave me a perfectly medium rare doneness.

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