Mashed Potatoes and Cabbage

  • Level: Easy
  • Total: 45 min
  • Prep: 10 min
  • Cook: 35 min


  1. Put 1 pound diced red-skinned potatoes and 3 cups shredded red cabbage in a pot; cover with water, season with salt and bring to a boil. Cook until tender, about 35 minutes. Reserve 1/4 cup of the cooking water, then drain. Mash the vegetables with 2 tablespoons butter, adding the reserved cooking water as needed. Season with salt and pepper.

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These are quite tasty - the cabbage blends right in and barely affects the taste. They have very tiny lumps due to the cabbage, but it didn't bother any of us. I also added some butter and half & half to make them creamy. Loved the color to add some flair to our dinner plates!

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