Homemade Italian Dressing

  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 3 1/2 cups
  • Total: 10 min
  • Active: 10 min
This homemade version of a store-bought favorite is so easy to make, and you get to control the quality of the ingredients. I make a big batch and always keep it on hand in the fridge. The best part is it will last 5 days in the fridge, so it is perfect for a last-minute salad or marinade.


1/2 cup lemon juice (from about 2 lemons)

1/2 cup red wine vinegar

2 cups extra-virgin olive oil

1/2 cup grated Parmesan

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

2 teaspoons kosher salt

2 teaspoons granulated sugar

1 teaspoon freshly cracked black pepper

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon Italian seasoning

1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes


  1. To a large mixing bowl, add the lemon juice and vinegar and whisk together. While continuously whisking, stream in the olive oil until the vinaigrette becomes a homogenous mixture. Add the Parmesan, mustard, salt, sugar, black pepper, garlic powder, Italian seasoning and red pepper flakes, then whisk until the dressing comes together. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

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