Spicy Steamed Mussels

  • Level: Easy
  • Total: 20 min
  • Prep: 15 min
  • Cook: 5 min


  1. Place 4 oregano sprigs, 4 cilantro sprigs and 1 halved jalapeno on a sheet of foil; top with 1 pound cleaned mussels. Scatter 4 tablespoons cut-up butter and 3 sliced garlic cloves over the mussels and drizzle with the juice of 2 limes (add the squeezed limes to the pack as well). Fold up the foil, leaving room for the mussels to open. Grill over high heat until the mussels open, 4 to 5 minutes.

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This is an awesome recipe! Easy and very tasty! The broth is wonderful and is good with a nice crusty bread! I've made this at least 5 times over the past couple of months.

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