Lentil and Arugula Salad

  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 4 servings
  • Total: 30 min
  • Active: 5 min
Most dried lentils cook in 20 to 25 minutes, making them your weeknight-friendly legume. The hearty salad is a great warm side for grilled meat or fish, and leftovers make a great lunch the next day. You could substitute any baby green (spinach, kale, etc.) and vary the nuts and dried fruit to create endless variations of this salad.


  1. Cook 3/4 cup dried brown lentils in salted boiling water until al dente, 10 minutes. Add 2 diced carrots; simmer until tender, 10 to 15 minutes, then drain. Toss in a bowl with 1/4 cup each chopped pistachios and dates, 1 teaspoon ground fennel, 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar and 1/4 cup olive oil. Add 5 cups baby arugula and 1 more tablespoon each vinegar and oil; toss.

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