5 Ingredient Chocolate Mayo Cookies
Recipe courtesy of Martha Tinkler for Food Network Kitchen

5-Ingredient Chocolate Mayo Cookies

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  • Level: Easy
  • Total: 40 min (incudes cooling time)
  • Active: 10 min
  • Yield: 12 to 15 cookies
Mayonnaise is the surprise ingredient in these delicate, decadent, chocolatey cookies. They’re made with only 5 ingredients total, and the mayo gives the cookies the fat and stability of eggs, butter and oil. Bonus: the mayo also adds a special tangy flavor.



  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Line 2 rimmed baking sheets with parchment.
  2. Whisk together the flour, sugar and cocoa in a large bowl. Add the mayonnaise and 1/4 cup water and stir until completely combined and there is no more dry flour visible; this will take a minute or two, but keep going and it will come together eventually. Stir in the chocolate chips.
  3. Use a 1/4-cup (2-ounce) scoop to scoop the dough onto the prepared baking sheets. Bake until the cookies have spread and are just set at the edges, 12 to 14 minutes. Cool completely on the baking sheets.

Cook’s Note

We used self-rising flour, but if you don't have any at home, it is easy to make using all-purpose flour. Just use this basic formula: For every 1 cup of all-purpose flour, add 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon fine salt. Whisk the ingredients thoroughly in a large bowl or put them in a glass jar and shake well.