Creamless Fresh Pea Soup with Truffled Snow Pea Salad

  • Level: Easy
  • Total: 50 min
  • Prep: 30 min
  • Cook: 20 min


1 tablespoon canola oil

2 medium yellow onions, roughly chopped

1 tablespoon minced garlic

3 cups chicken stock or low-sodium, canned

3 cups shucked English peas

1 cup spinach leaves

4 tablespoons butter, cold and in pieces

Salt and black pepper to taste


1 lime, juiced

1/2 lemon, juiced

1 tablespoon truffle oil

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

1 cup blanched, stringed snow peas, sliced lengthwise 1/8-inch

Salt and black pepper taste


  1. In a hot saucepan, coat with oil and brown onions and garlic, about 5 minutes. Season. Add chicken stock and bring to a boil. The stock should taste salty, like pasta blanching water. Add the peas and cook until soft, about 5 to 8 minutes. Do not over-cook for they will darken. Check peas often. During the last minute, add the spinach. Immediately blend using a hand blender and when pureed, add the butter and blend well. Check for seasoning.
  2. TRUFFLED SNOW PEA SALAD: In a bowl, whisk together juices and oils. Season with salt and pepper and check for seasoning. Toss well with snow peas.
  3. PLATING Pre-heat the soup plates and ladle in the soup. Top with the salad and drizzle a little bit of truffle oil.

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Ashi D.

I only made the soup, but it was delicious. I made a few substitutions, some on purpose and some not. I used beef stock instead of chicken and added a half pound of spicy ground sausage. I added some extra stock but wouldn't do it the next time. I also underestimated how many unshucked English peas I would need to buy to get 3 cups shucked peas and ended up a cup short. I replaced it with a potato and an extra 1/2 c. spinach. I put the soup in a mixer (in two separate batches) and liquified it to make the puree. It was beautiful and smelled delicious, and I could hardly believe I made it! I definitely would make it again.

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