Recipe courtesy of Josh Moulton


  • Level: Easy
  • Total: 3 hr 10 min
  • Prep: 2 hr 30 min
  • Cook: 40 min


1/2 cups milk

1 cup heavy cream

1/2 vanilla bean

2 cinnamon sticks

1 heaping tablespoon all-purpose flour

3/4 cup sugar

6 eggs

1 teaspoon minced lemon zest

1 pint raspberries

1 pint blueberries

1 prebaked tart shell (recipe follows)


  1. Heat milk and cream with vanilla bean and cinnamon sticks. Scald and let cool, then strain out vanilla bean and cinnamon sticks. Into strained mixture, whisk in flour, sugar, eggs and lemon zest and transfer mixture to a pitcher or a pour spout.
  2. Assemble berries in pre-baked, room-temperature tart shell. Raspberries should be top down (with opening down). Tightly packed but only one layer of fruit.
  3. Pour just enough batter over berries to almost come up even with fruit. Be careful not to put too much, but enough to fill in all the spaces and come 5/6ths of the way up the berries.
  4. Bake 15 to 20 minutes at 350 degrees until set and slightly brown on top.

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Hibah H.

We made this recipe using berries that we had on hand and it turned out wonderfully-- highly recommended and perfect for summer.

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