Chilly Penguin

  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 15 to 20 servings
  • Total: 2 hr 30 min (includes chilling time)
  • Active: 30 min
If you prefer a sportier penguin, set this guy on two slices of red bell pepper to make him look like he's skiing, but if you want your penguin to chill, set him on feet made from sliced carrots.


16 ounces cream cheese, softened

 4 ounces blue cheese 

2 teaspoons chopped shallots 

1/4 teaspoon coarse salt 

Dash hot sauce, such as Frank's RedHot 

1/2 cup poppy seeds, for coating 

2 dark raisins, 1 almond, 1 carrot, 1 red bell pepper (optional), and 1 scallion, for decorating 

Crackers, for serving


  1. Using a stand mixer or a bowl and a spatula, mix together the cream cheese, blue cheese, shallots, salt, and hot sauce. Form the mixture into a ball and cover with plastic wrap; refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight.
  2. Before serving, remove a 2-inch piece of the cheese mixture, roll into a ball, and set aside; this will be the penguin's head. Re-form the remaining cheese mixture into an egg shape. Cut out a triangle shape roughly the length of your cheese ball from a sheet of wax paper. Press the wax paper into the cheese ball, with the widest part of the paper on the widest part of the cheese ball. Roll the cheese ball in the poppy seeds and set the ball on a plate. Slowly remove the wax paper; the ball should be covered in poppy seeds except for the penguin's breast. Set the head on top of the penguin's body and add the raisins for the eyes and the almond for the beak. Slice off 2 equal-sized rounds of the carrot and arrange them on either side of the head as earmuffs. Connect the earmuffs with the green part of the scallion. Using a vegetable peeler, peel 1 long strip off the carrot; wind this around the penguin's neck as a scarf. Slice the remaining carrot into toes and arrange at the bottom of the penguin's body to make its feet, or use two red bell pepper slices. 
  3. Serve with crackers.

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The first time I made this recipe, it went great!! I made it at a mother in law's retirement party. Everyone loved I don't enjoy cheeseballs, but i thought it looked cute!But, then made the recipe again, and the penguin would not stand up and then I looked at the recipe again and realized that I put in the wrong amount of cheese the first time I made it. So now I tell you that you should add way more cheese than the recipe calls for!! But I do reccomend this recipe if you tweak it!! <br />

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