Chilled Wagyu Shabu Shabu, Panzanella Salad and Basil Pearls

  • Level: Advanced
  • Total: 50 min
  • Prep: 40 min
  • Cook: 10 min



1 ounce dried country bread cut into 1-inch dice

5 cherry tomatoes sliced in half

1 ounce black olives sliced

1/2 cucumber and cut into 1-inch dice

1/2 red onion shaved julienne

Olive oil

Rice wine vinegar

Salt and pepper to taste

Shab shabu:

Shabu broth

1 quart kombu stock (water & kombu)

Salt to taste

Basil pearls:

2 cups water

2 1/2 grams calcium chloride

110 grams sugar

35 grams basil leaves

4 grams sodium alginate

Setting bath


  1. For the salad, combine bread and vegetables. Drizzle with olive oil and vinegar to taste, season with salt and pepper. Keep cold until ready for use.

Shab shabu:

  1. Make this recipe twice. Keep one at 160 degrees and put ice into the other. 
  2. 4 slices of Wagyu beef sliced 3/4 inch 
  3. Gently dip a slice of beef into the warm broth until cooked, remove and place into the chilled broth until cooled.

Basil pearls:

  1. In a blender, combine water and calcium chloride, blend for 20 seconds, reserve in a bowl. In a sauce pot, combine sugar and water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and add basil. Puree for 1 minute until bright green then add sodium alginate. Strain this liquid and add to the caviar tray and dispense into calcium bath. Remove the caviar once they form and rinse in clean water. 
  2. To plate, place panzanella salad in a bowl, top with chilled wagyu and basil caviar.

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