Chicken with Green Curry Sauce

  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 4 servings
  • Total: 14 min
  • Prep: 5 min
  • Cook: 9 min


4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves (about 5 ounces each)

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 (14-ounce) can coconut milk

1 (4-ounce) can diced green chilies

1 teaspoon curry powder

1 teaspoon Garam masala

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 cup couscous, cooked according to package directions

2 tablespoons freshly chopped cilantro leaves


  1. Season both sides of chicken with salt and black pepper. In a large skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook 2 minutes per side until golden brown.
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk together coconut milk, green chilies, curry powder, garam masala, and cumin. Add mixture to chicken and bring to a simmer. Simmer 5 minutes, until chicken is cooked through and sauce reduces slightly. Spread couscous onto a serving platter, top with chicken and garnish with cilantro.

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Danna M.

I knew a large group was coming to eat and the night before cousin Josh recommended a curry dish for dinner. So I took out my biggest frying pan and proceeded to cook by instructions. Modified slightly. Large group more meat, but the rest of the recipe stayed the same and was fine. I let chicken and milk mixture simmer for over an hour. Conclusion: our one eight year old loved the chicken and she is a picky eater. Her mom was shocked! Cousin Josh kept saying awesome chicken. Dad’s comment was that dinner was superb. So yes it’s a hit! If you want it spicier, add more curry and garam and maybe jalapeño! I think it would add to dish. The way it is is family friendly.

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