Recipe courtesy of Laura Calder

Baby Vegetable Jumble

  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 4 servings
  • Total: 55 min
  • Prep: 25 min
  • Cook: 30 min


8 baby carrots

6 radishes, halved

1 cup/about 175 g shelled peas

4 ounces/110 g snow peas

4 ounces/110 asparagus

4 ounces/110 yellow beans

4 ounces/110 baby turnips

2 tablespoons butter

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

A few handfuls of chopped fresh herbs (chives, tarragon, parsley, chervil...)


  1. Bring a large pot of water to the boil. Blanch all the vegetables separately, in order of color (like laundry). Refresh each in iced water. Drain. 
  2. In a large skillet, melt the butter. Toss the vegetables together just to warm them through. Season them with salt and pepper and toss with the herbs. Serve.

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