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6 Knife Skills That Will Make You Feel Like a Pro

Behind every confident cook is a sharp knife that makes easy work of all that slicing and dicing. Here's how to master the moves that'll save you time and energy in the kitchen.

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Photo: Evi Abeler

It Starts With the Right Grip

Before you start cutting, make sure you have a good hold on your chef's knife. Most novice cooks make the mistake of only gripping the handle. For the best control, you need to grasp the knife at the bolster (where the blade meets the handle); your thumb should be pressing on one side of the blade and your pointer bent and pinching in on the other. Curl your remaining three fingers up around the handle, grasping it gently. The knife should feel comfortable and balanced in your hand.

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Photo: Evi Abeler

Protect Your Fingers

When using a chef's knife, keep your digits out of harm's way by holding food steady in a claw grip with your fingertips safely curled under the knuckles. Ready to slice? Place the tip of the knife on the cutting board, put the food under the blade, and raise the heel of the knife up and down, sliding the blade against your knuckles as you go and moving it back and forth in a circular motion.

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Photo: Evi Abeler

Keep the Tip on the Board

To mince herbs or garlic, give them a rough chop, then hold your chef's knife in one hand and lay the other hand flat across the tip. Use a rocking up-and-down motion to cut, keeping the tip on the board until the food is finely minced.

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Crush With the Side of the Blade

Try this trick to remove garlic skins: Put a clove on your board, lay the side of a chef's knife on top and press down hard with the heel of your hand. The papery skin will fall away. To make a garlic paste, chop the clove, sprinkle with salt and then, holding the blade at an angle close to the board, drag it over the garlic several times. The wide flat blade is also ideal for transferring ingredients from your cutting board to your pan: Just slide it under whatever you've diced or minced and scoop it up, using your hand to ferry errant pieces on top.

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