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What to Stock Up on Before the Holidays

Get a head start on the crowds and hit the supermarket weeks — even months — before the busy season.

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Photo: Lisa Thornberg ©

Get a Head Start

Just like wrapping paper and tree lights, holiday cooking staples such as sugar, flour and canned pie filling tend to be deeply discounted after the holiday shopping season. Other standbys, including cooking oil and nuts, go on sale throughout the year. If you’ve ever been tempted to stock up on some of these seldom-used holiday must-haves, read on for our definitive guide to how early you can safely shop for some of the most commonly used items, and find out how to store them properly to ensure they’ll make it to your next holiday feast.

Photo: Lisa Thornberg/iStock

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Photo: Boarding1Now ©

Canned Goods

Buy Them: Up to five years in advance. Holiday staples such as canned pie fillings that contain fruit are typically safe for up to 18 months. Canned broth and stock retain peak quality for up to five years.

Store Them: In a cool, clean and dry place, such as a cupboard. Never store canned goods outdoors or in spots where they’ll be exposed to heat, such as over the stove, or in damp surroundings similar to a basement or under the sink. All could compromise the integrity of the can and cause foods to spoil prematurely.

Photo: Boarding1Now/Getty Images

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Culinary Oils

Buy Them: Up to two years in advance. Shelf-stable oils that are lower in saturated fat — such as olive and vegetable oil — are safe indefinitely, but that doesn’t mean they’ll retain peak freshness. Most manufacturers include a best-by date, which you should follow for optimal quality. Some even include a harvest or pressing date. Cooking oils run the risk of turning rancid over time. Sealed, they should last at least two years, but keep in mind that less common varieties, such as hazelnut or pistachio oil, tend to spend more time on store shelves, so be doubly sure to check their dates. Can't find a date? Buy them within a few months of when you'll need them.

Store Them: In a cool, dry spot and out of direct sunlight.

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Photo: Mitch Hrdlicka/Getty Images ©


Buy It: Up to 12 months ahead, depending on how you’ll store it. Frozen, butter or margarine can survive up to one year. Milk can make it three months in the freezer, so long as you safely defrost it in the fridge. Eggs should never be frozen, but they last up to five weeks in the refrigerator in their shells. If you’re planning to crack and separate eggs for baking, or you are making a batch of eggnog, then limit their fridge time (sans shell) to no more than four days.

Store It: In the refrigerator or freezer, as appropriate, and always in the original container so you can reference sell-by dates. Egg containers, in particular, are designed to keep spills contained if an egg cracks, and they include essential information in the event of a recall.

Photo: Mitch Hrdlicka/Getty Images

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