Mint Julep

  • Level: Easy
  • Yield: 1 serving
  • Total: 5 min
  • Active: 5 min
One of the best bourbon cocktails in the history of all time unfortunately gets served only once a year, for the Kentucky Derby. You may not be able to make it to Louisville, but you can mix up a perfect mint julep right at home.


2 1/2 ounces bourbon, booker's or other overproofed

1/2 ounce simple syrup

8 mint leaves (plus 3 sprigs for garnish)

Crushed "pebbled" ice


  1. If making crushed or "pebbled" ice, put cold, dry ice cubes into the coin sack, twist closed, and bang until crushed with the wood hammer. Place mint leaves in the bottom of the julep cup. Muddle by gently pressing and twisting. Add bourbon. Top almost to brim with crushed ice. Agitate drink gently with a cocktail spoon or swizzle stick. Top with a mound of crushed ice. Garnish with fresh mint sprigs.

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