This No-Fail Baking Project Is Perfect for Beginners

And it comes together quick, thanks to the help of your food processor.

April 22, 2020

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Photo by: Matt Armendariz

Matt Armendariz

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There’s no denying that baking is an exact science. Sometimes all it takes is one tiny error to spell disaster. Stir too much and the texture will be all wrong, leave your pan in the oven for a few extra minutes and your baked goods will be dry, add too much or too little of an ingredient and end up with a big surprise when you open the oven door — the list goes on and on.

All things considered, it’s no wonder so many of us are intimidated by baking! But before you swear off homemade breads and fresh-from-the-oven pastries for good just know that some recipes are easier than others — and great for building your confidence and learning basic skills.

Buttermilk biscuits happen to be one of those recipes. Yes, you need to measure accurately if you want them to rise properly and you do need to be careful not to overmix if you want them soft and fluffy — but I promise your biscuits are going to be a success. They always bake up buttery and delicious!

If you’re a beginner when it comes to baking, Food Network Kitchen’s Go-To Buttermilk Biscuits are a good starting place. You can watch the class in the app to see exactly how the recipe is made, pro tips and tricks included!

One of the best features of this recipe is that it’s made in the food processor. This is the key to foolproof biscuits. Food Network Culinary Producer Sarah Holden says, "you want to move quickly when you’re making biscuits because you don’t want your butter to melt." The food processor makes this easy; your dough comes together with just a few pulses of the mixer and you don’t run the risk melting the butter with the heat from your hands.

Better yet, no rolling pin required. That’s right — once you mix the dough in the food processor just turn it out onto a lightly floured surface, pat it together and cut it into biscuits. Easy!

If you’ve got 30 minutes and want to improve your baking skills, there’s no better recipe than these confidence-boosting, oh-so-light-and-buttery biscuits. And don’t worry, once you’ve mastered homemade biscuits, there are plenty more easy baking classes available in the app!

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