How to Suvive Summer Wedding Season Like a Pro

Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate.


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It’s the summer and that means wedding season is in full swing. And while we’re sure the considerate couple you’re celebrating will make every effort to keep you happy and hydrated in 90 degrees, you might have to take matters into your own hands. To make your wedding guest experience as enjoyable as possible, take these tips into consideration before the big day.


Photo by: KristianGjorgjiev/iStock


Water, not champagne, is your friend.

It probably goes without saying (but we’ll say it again), hydration is key at a summer wedding. That age-old tip about downing a water in between every drink? It’s good advice, especially when you’re sweating for hours. And if it’s sweltering, you might want to go for a few glasses of H2O before toasts start. You know how these things go…


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Don’t eat everything.

No one remembers wedding food anyway, so this is a good opportunity to decline membership to the Clean Plate Club. In the height of summer, you won’t be judged for leaving behind some average-tasting chicken and mashed potatoes.


Photo by: Vasko


With that in mind, look for the raw food.

You were already planning on loading up at cocktail hour where the good stuff is. This time, come with a strategy. Look for lighter fare like crudité platters or a raw bar. These foods won’t leave you bloated like the macaroni and cheese bites or sliders, so you’ll be able to dance the night away without an upset stomach.


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Keep a glass in hand.

Not for the reason you think. Ask for an iced drink that you can hold onto throughout the night. When you’re feeling hot, place the cold glass on the pressure points on your wrist to help lower your internal temperature and beat the heat (even if it’s only temporary).


Photo by: jodiechapman/iStock


Eat dessert inside.

Kind of gross, but worth mentioning: Bugs are attracted to sweet foods, so take note of the dessert table location. If it’s inside, your lovely hosts have truly thought of everything. If it’s out in the open, you might want to take a quick look at your piece of cake before chowing down. (Sorry, we had to warn you.)

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